Mar 5, 2008

1st day

This is my first entry and there will be many more to come. I really don't know how this is going to go but i will work that out day to day.

To get an background idea about me I'm Female 25, i'm a Libran and i work in a nursing home full time. I am also studying Enrolled nursing which i will finish at the end of July. I got married just over a year ago to my boyfriend Glenn of six years. We have a cat smokey, dog scrappy and two turtles crush and chopper. We have just been forced to move back in with my parents due to the house we were living in caught on fire. I know scary huh and we should be glad were alive and all that but moving back in with the parents when your newlyweds... ahhhhh.

The house burnt down on the 6Th of January 2008, I was on a night shift at the time and at 5:15am i got that phone call from Glenn who was on the neighbours phone that the house was on fire and i should come home. Lets just say he had to tell me more than once for me to believe him. I rushed home as you would, speeding and running red lights (except the ones i know have cameras of course). So i turned into our street to see ambulance, police and two fire trucks all out the front of my house. I had to park my car half way down the street and walk up to the house. I tell you it felt like everything was in slow motion as i made that walk, past the watching eyes of our neighbours. I couldn't take me eyes off the flames coming from our house. I walked up to Glenn who was standing out the front in his boxer shorts and had the dog on the leash, as he just smelt smoke and had to get out. all in all i think this was the worst day in my life. Even as i watched our house burn i still didn't realise we wouldn't be able to go back in and stay in the house. I guess it was the shock but when the fireman come out and said the fire is mostly at the back and our main room isn't bad i still thought for some reason that we could just live in that bedroom. I didn't realise how much smoke and soot can get into everything. It certainly didn't hit me that we would be back with my parents, having to live here until our house is rebuilt.

Now i love my parents, i get along with them both really well but after getting married and living by ourselves, spreading out across an entire house just the two of us, then with no warning you go to work leaving your house and come home with no where to live forcing you into one spare bedroom of your parents house. It is taking a lot of getting used to.

So theres my start.....
there will be more about this and how my life has turned upside down all within the 15Min's it took our house to burn down.

Blog in later.... Belle

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